What Has Your Lack of Confidence Cost You?

Your success will be determined by your own confidence and fortitude.”     

-Michelle Obama

Have you been sitting on the sidelines watching others get what you know YOU deserve?

Girl, I Get It!

My poor self-confidence began when I was in kindergarten and followed me into my teenage years and led me into the scariest situation of my life that challenged my confidence even more.

At five years old, I had a nervous condition that made me suck my thumb and pull out my hair…from the root! My sisters had long ponytails, and my mom cut all my hair off to try to even out the bald spots I had created. Sucking my thumb made my big teeth stick out from my mouth. I was called boy, beaver, rabbit and, eventually stick, because I was so skinny. 

That’s when I started smiling to hide my pain and insecurities. I also hid my real personality and my greatness.

By the time I stopped sucking my thumb and pulling out my hair, puberty set in and my problems became acne and stretch marks. I was no longer that stick, and my body developed faster than my skin could keep up. Stretch marks on my sides and on the back of my legs, not to mention, my fat legs made me ashamed to wear swimsuits, shorts, and skirts unless they came to my knee.

People still saw my smile though…

Never feeling confident in how I looked, I ended up getting pregnant at 15 years old by someone I didn't even know. 

I can still hear him saying I was pretty. 

15, pregnant (trying to hide it), scared, and alone… and even more insecure.

Still hiding my real personality and my greatness.

Then a series of bad relationships, desperate attempts to have a father-figure for my son, and a failed marriage that left me broken and insecure. 

Not to mention, that single mom journey especially with a hurting a child wanting a father is not for the faint of heart.

My confidence was constantly shaken. I questioned how I looked and how I was as a person. I doubted my ability to make good decisions and even my worth.


My confidence has allowed me to:

Earn multiple degrees as a teen/single mom

Be named Ms. University of Memphis, Distinguished Young Alumna honoree, and President of the National Alumni Association Board of Directors

Buy my first house at 22 years old (and another one after divorce)

Start my career with the National Basketball Association (NBA) and get promoted three times

Leave amazing jobs for new opportunities

Become a full time entrepreneur with two businesses

Write life-changing curriculums, books, and workbooks

Go to events alone 

Travel the world, even alone

Speak on stages before thousands of people

Even wear swimsuits and shorts

I am a multiple award-winning speaker, author, coach, and have even been a college professor teaching a course I was asked to create based on my memoir and life of learning lessons and building resilience and confidence.

Now you might be wondering what changed.

 How did that bullied 5 year-old, that scared pregnant teen, that struggling single mom achieve so much.

In one word, it was CONFIDENCE. 

I began to first understand why I lacked confidence then learned how to build confidence in every area of my life. I set goals that seemed unreasonable t most then I challenged myself to make them happen.

That’s how I know what you may be feeling and that you deserve to and can have everything you want in life.

Now think about the job or promotion you didn’t get because you weren’t confident enough to go for it.

The business you didn’t start because you are too scared to try. 

The big message, gifts, or talents you have that the world needs to hear, but you don't even believe you can share it.

The relationship you won't start (or end) because of the rejection you've felt in the past that makes you feel unworthy of better.

The places you won't go because you don’t think you can.

This was my mind-shifting trip to Accra, Ghana. 


how you will feel and what your life will be like when you experience the benefits of being more confident in how you feel about yourself and interact with others. 

You deserve to experience the life-changing impact of CONFIDENCE.

You should experience the joy of living your dreams.

You CAN that degree.

You CAN buy that house.

You CAN go after that promotion.

You CAN start that business. 

You CAN write that book. 

You CAN travel.

You CAN start that new relationship or end that unhealthy one. 

Maybe you already...

  • applied for a job, but you still didn't get it.
  • asked for that raise, but you still were turned down.
  • did the research on starting a business, but you still haven't started it.
  • know you need a better job, but you still haven't gone after it.
  • wanted to start dating, but you still don't feel good enough about yourself to let anyone in.
  • know you need to go back to school, but you still haven't done it.

But here's the thing...

  • You don't know where to start
  • You've tried before
  • You've failed before
  • You think you don't have enough money
  • You think you don't have the time
  • Someone told you that you couldn't
  • You're straight up SCARED

Confidence is the key to going after and getting what you want and deserve in life.

This is your time and season for a Confidence breakthrough. You CAN conquer your fears, follow your dreams and get what you deserve.

This is your time to live a life free of excuses or getting in your own way - and finally living a more confident life! This course will start you on your way!

But It’s Not Enough to Just Say

“Be Confident” or “Walk Confidently into Your Purpose”

I’m all for positive affirmations and having a confident attitude, but you need the HOW. How do you actually get more confident? What is confidence really, who or what killed your confidence, and what are your obvious and less obvious areas where you lack confidence? What exact steps do you need to take to get the confidence to make the life you deserve a reality.  

Here's what I can CONFIDENTLY tell you...  

If you implement just some of what you learn in this course, you will see a change in your life. You will feel and act more confidently. 

Make this your first bold step. 

How much would you be willing to pay to have the confidence to ask for that promotion or start your own business? Or to get that degree or buy your first house?

What about the confidence to get on that plane and explore a new country?

Or to go on that date or wear that dress...or swimsuit?

Probably a lot more than $195.

And that's all this course will cost you...that, plus your time and commitment.  

This course will show you everything you need to do to take advantage of the #1 success strategy in the world - CONFIDENCE!  

This is your time to live a life of free of excuses and to stop getting in your own way!  

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Class 1 Welcome to Confidence Class

  • 2

    Class 2 Understanding Confidence

    • Class 2- Understanding Confidence

    • Lesson 1 What is Confidence- Workbook Questions

    • Lesson 2 Confidence and Self-esteem Workbook Questions

    • Lesson 3 The Power of Confidence Workbook Questions

    • Vision Board Workbook Questions

    • Journal

  • 3

    Class 3 Evaluating Your Confidence Level

    • Evaluating Your Confidence Level

    • Lesson 1: How Confident Are You? Workbook Questions

    • How Confident Are You?

    • Your Confidence Assessment- Am I or Do I...

    • Confidence Assessment- Workbook Questions

    • Lesson 2: Personality and Confidence

    • Personality and Confidence- Workbook Questions

    • Lesson 3: What's Your (Personality) Type

    • Personality Test- Workbook Questions

    • Lesson 4: Who or What Did It?

    • Confidence Killers- Workbook Questions

    • Confidence Killers

    • Situations that damaged your confidence

    • Your Confident Personality

    • Journal

  • 4

    Class 4 Building a Foundation for Self-acceptance

    • Building a Foundation for Self-Acceptance

    • Building a Foundation for Self-Acceptance (no visual, just listen and reflect)

    • Lesson 1 Love Yourself Workbook Questions

    • Who Am I?

    • See Myself

    • Journal

    • The Compliment Challenge Workbook Questions

    • Activity: The Compliment Challenge (look at yourself in the mirror as you listen to this video)

    • Activity: Your S.O. What! Statement TM

  • 5

    Class 5 Practicing Confident Living

    • Class 5 Practicing Confident Living

    • Lesson 1 Dealing with Fear, Failure, and Rejection Workbook Questions

    • Activity: Get the Root

    • Activity: Role Play

    • Role Play Reflection

    • Lesson 2: Improving Physical Confidence

    • Lesson 2 Improving Physical Confidence Workbook Questions

    • Activity: I Like What I See

    • Lesson 3: Gaining Social Self-Confidence

    • Lesson 3: Gaining Social Self-Confidence Workbook Questions

    • Activity: The Self-Date

    • Self-Date Reflection

    • Lesson 4: Building Confidence in What You Know and Do

    • Lesson 4: Building Confidence in What You Know and Do Workbook Questions

    • Activity: What Do I Want to Do Better?

    • Activity: What Do I Want to Do Better?

    • Journal

  • 6

    Class 6 Confidently Going After Your Goals

    • Class 6 Intro

    • Lesson 1: Your S.O. NOW What? Statement

    • Class 6 S.O. Now what 2

    • Lesson 2: What Do You Want? Goal-setting Workbook Questions

    • Lesson 2: What Do You Want? Goal-setting

    • Class 6 Confidently Going After Your Goals

    • Lesson 3: Beyond Dreaming

    • Lesson 3: Beyond Dreaming

    • Journal

    • Exhibiting Daily Confidence

Your Someday Starts TODAY for Just $195!

Don't let a lack confidence cost you anymore!

Founder and President of S.O. What! and the S.O. What! Foundation

Summer Owens

Summer Owens is the vibrant success coach, speaker, author, and more, with a knack for turning life's lemons into lemonade. Summer's unstoppable spirit and practical wisdom have made her a beacon of resilience and confidence. From becoming a mother at fifteen to thriving in corporate roles with the NBA and FedEx, she's mastered the art of overcoming obstacles. With 15 years under her belt as a marketing exec and a personal journey filled with trials turned triumphs, Summer founded S.O. What! to inspire and guide others. She's a captivating speaker, compassionate life coach, and innovative entrepreneur who's created transformative programs, events, and courses. Whether she's delivering powerful speeches or teaching online or as a professor, Summer's mission is clear: to empower people to shed excuses and unleash their full potential. Recognized with numerous awards for her inspiring work, Summer isn't just about accolades; she's about real impact. Her story of resilience and dedication makes her not just a coach but a powerful ally in your journey to greatness. With Summer, embrace a future where anything is possible, and step confidently into your greatness.